Infographic: How To Find Your Skin Type

How To Find Your Skin Type

Products formulated for your skin type offer the best chance of giving you the results you want. Follow these simple steps to determine your skin type and learn which types of products are right for you.

Wash Your Face

Remove makeup and wash off the day's oil and dirt so your skin can start afresh.

Wait Two Hours

Do not apply any products and let your skin return to its natural state.

What Do You See?

Determine your skin type based on your natural skin's characteristics.

Normal Skin

No signs of flaking or oiliness. Skin feels smooth and, well, normal. Lucky.


Your complexion is the envy of all your friends.


Look for lightweight formulas. Nothing too thick or heavy.

Read our mythbusting article for clear, younger-looking skin.

Oily Skin

Skin looks shiny and may feel slick to the touch. You're no stranger to breakouts.


Yes, breakouts still happen to adults. No, it's not hopeless.


Stick with gel and liquid formulas. Avoid heavy emollient textures.

Shop products for oily skin on our website.

Dry Skin

Skin feels tight and may have flaky areas. Your best friend is moisturizer.


You go through moisturizer like it's going out of style.


Nourish your skin with lotions and creams. Steer clear of irritating ingredients.

Shop products for dry skin on our website.

Combination Skin

All of the above. Skin usually has an oily T-Zone and is normal to dry everywhere else.


You're all over the map. But the right products will help you get home.


Target oily areas with gels and liquids. Soothe dry areas with light lotions and serums.

Shop products for combination skin and read our article on combination skin.

Keep in Mind

Levels of each skin type may vary. You could be on the drier side of dry or the normal side of oily. Everyone is different and that's great.

Skin type is different from skin concern. Redness, for example, is a skin concern that can appear no matter the skin type.

Any skin type can get breakouts, though they're most common on oily skin.

Shop Paula’s Choice bestselling skincare products online today.

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SKIN PERFECTING 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant


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